Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Thin Mints...a Diet Cookie, Right?

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It seems fitting that only three weeks after posting my resolution to live healthier and get my fit body back that the Girl Scouts would start selling cookies. If this isn't proof that the universe is constantly f*cking with me, I'm not sure what is.

Months ago when an enterprising neighborhood Girl Scout dropped an order form off in my mailbox, I'm sure pre-ordering FIVE boxes of cookies made sense. You know, because four boxes of cookies is hardly enough and six is obviously too much.

FIVE BOXES. What the hell am I going to do with five boxes of delicious, mouth-watering fattening cookies when I'm supposed to be eating healthy?

It isn't just the temptation waiting for me at home. Is it just me or are the Girl Scouts suddenly everywhere this year? Whoever is running their marketing program should be congratulated. I run to the store to buy milk, and there they are with a table in front of the store. Parents are selling them at work. Some troop moms were even selling cookies out on Market Street in downtown San Francisco this afternoon. There is no escape.

These cookies are tradition and only come once a year. I've tried convincing myself I'm only buying cookies out of charity and goodwill to Girl Scouts, but let's get real. We all know my purchases have less to do with philanthropy and everything to do with my weakness for all things Thin Mint.

I have been forcing myself to eat healthy treats in an effort to avoid the sugary goodness in my cupboard. Try as I may, lowfat yogurt just isn't a Tagalong, no matter how hard I attempt to spin it. Bananas, protein bars, carrot sticks - all lousy substitutions. When faced with the option of snacking on a Thin Mint (straight from the freezer...because they're better cold) or an apple, what would you pick?

For now, I'm opting for the moderation route. Only two cookies a day, until they're gone. That sounds somewhat reasonable and adult until you factor in my possession of FIVE boxes of cookies.


Can I maintain that much willpower? Your guess is as good as mine. It is a fine line between self-control and morphing into a manic cookie-inhaling furry blue monster.

Good thing Girl Scout cookies only come once a year.


EverydayDiva said...

HILARIOUS. I pre-ordered FIVE boxes from my old boss' daughter and just got the call that they "finally came in." I must go pick them up the exact DAY I am supposed to start with my new trainer. Alas. I suppose a 2,000 calorie-a-day diet is not so bad if 1,999 calories come from thin, minty chocolate, eh? Hang tough, sister. Somehow I'm sure we'll polish off our combined TEN boxes in no time. Bwahahaha.

Dana said...

I hear ya on the tagalongs! I bought two boxes myself! sigh....