Monday, July 23, 2007

A Life Taken Away Too Soon

I don't know where to start. What do you say when a friend you've known since you were four-years-old dies of cancer at the age of 32?

Are there words to describe the loss? Is there anything you can say that makes up for the years we were robbed of his presence on this earth?

I feel numb - I should have done more for him these last couple of months. Angry at God for taking him away prematurely. Sad - not only for his loss, but for his family and all those lucky enough to call him a friend. We are all better people for just knowing him.

I think back to all the times we shared. Playing HORSE in his backyard for hours. Looking for golf balls in the bushes at Sharp Park Golf Course. Class trips to Blackberry Farm where he dunked me in the pool. Running in the Freedom From Hunger race (I couldn't keep up with him, so he'd stop and wait for me). Even that chance day where I ran into him a few years ago in Pacifica and stood for an hour chatting about our lives. He had tremendous spirit and a kind soul.

I will miss you, my dear friend but I am glad your pain is gone now. I will never forget you.