Monday, October 15, 2007

Oh Canada...

For the fifth time this year, I find myself in a hotel room, unable to sleep at an ungodly hour. Blame Canada...or at least Eastern Standard Time for my insomnia.

Today's destination, Toronto. As my flight was delayed three hours in getting here (with one of those pesky indicator light issues), I missed dinner with my coworkers and a chance to explore downtown. From the window of my cab, it seems cool, and if Toronto is anything like my more frequent visits to Vancouver or Montreal, it should be a hell of a time.

The more time I spend in Canada, the more I like it here. I've been to Montreal three times this year, and will return for a fourth time next week. I have friends there now who entertain me when I'm in their town. The city is old, beautiful, vibrant...well at least when it isn't wintertime.

Canada is similar to the US, but different. You can find almost anything you'd get in the States, but it might look a little different, or be more challenging to find (don't run out of tampons in Old Montreal for example).

Toronto residents pronounce words with a slight accent. I never knew this until I began working with folks from the greater Toronto metropolitan area. Today when United Airlines decided my preference and original aisle seat assignment was too much to give and reassigned me to a middle seat between two six-foot-giants, it took me two seconds to identify my seat mate as an Toronto-based Canadian. It was his killer sense of humor and pronunciation of the word "about" (or as he said, aboote), that made me exclaim, "you must be flying home today!"

Some things I've learned not to do in Canada:

1) Don't make fun of Celine Dion unless you are absolutely sure the person you are talking to hates her as much as you do. This holds especially true in Montreal, where Celine is held second to God in her native land. Outside of Quebec, she's either adored or vilified, but the wrong comment can polarize you. Trust me. French Canadians have NO sense of humor on this topic. None. Choose safer targets like Nickelback.

2) Don't make comments like "all Canadian beer tastes like piss!" Most Canadian (males) know their beer, and they know their beer better than you. They will win this battle. Once again. Trust me on this.

3) Don't tease any guy about hockey being a sub-par sport. See statement #2.

All kidding aside, I really dig Canada for many reasons. The beauty of Vancouver with the modern skyline and green mountains rising out of the sea makes me think I could easily relocate. The history and European flair of Montreal is appealing on many levels. And I'm sure I'm going to discover what makes Toronto tick in the days to come.

Beyond the beauty, the comfort of Canada being similar to home (even with the differences in cultures as you travel from coast to coast), it's the people that have won me over. Perhaps a good sense of humor and personality is necessary when you live in a place that can drop to -15 degrees out in winter. Whatever it may be, I always look forward to my visits here.