Sunday, December 24, 2006

Venturing Back Into Normalcy


It has been a few weeks since I last posted here. It was just getting too hard to type, and as I wasn't leaving my house other than for work, I had nothing new to write about. Not to mention I was generally frustrated and depressed. I know its been a drag for you, my two faithful readers, to keep coming here to read me having a pity party. For putting up with me, I thank you. I alienated many readers with my earlier entries and I hope those I hurt will in time come back here again. I learned some valuable lessons, and in the future, this space will no longer serve as a mechanism to put friends on the spot.

I'm happy to say on Dec. 19th, I was liberated from the Ultrasling II prison. My arm is weak and it hurts, but I'm free. I start the long road of rehab on Tuesday with Jason, my awesome physical therapist, who has made it clear that no whining will be tolerated throughout the rehab process. The doctor says I should regain 75% of my mobility in January alone.

Slowly, my strength and energy are coming back. I went out for the first time last night in San Francisco, catching the Mother Hips (CHIIIIIIICCCCCCOO) at the Great American Music Hall. It felt so good to do something normal and fun again.

I figured out how to put on necklace, the first time in weeks. I can just raise my left arm high enough to connect a clasp in the front. Perhaps my biggest (literally) accomplishment this week was figuring out how to get my bra on without assistance. I even tried on some clothes while I was supposed to be out Christmas shopping for other people. Truly an exciting week all around.

Somehow, the house is decorated and although I claimed I didn't want a tree this year, there is a beauty of a Noble Fir in my living room. The tree is full and stands almost seven feet tall. Its strong branches are just supportive enough to hold the weight of our poorly behaved cat, Angel, who's testing the limits of her nine lives by continuing to jump into the tree. When she's not doing that, you'll find her knocking off ornaments, hiding under the branches to pounce on our other cat Max when he walks by, and attacking the bows on my nicely wrapped presents.

I have the week between Christmas and New Years off, which rocks. I plan on catching up with friends, doing a little shopping, and taking it easy to prepare for a crazy January. It appears I will be traveling over half the month, going to Los Angeles, Vancouver, Detroit, Montreal, and New York. Whew!

Life moves on, but just a bit slower and painful than before. It's good to be back.

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